Aerospace Applications, Articles, and Background Information

Category: Aero-Space

Advances in Aircraft Construction: Hexapod Provides High Dynamics 6D Error Compensation to Traditional Robot

Compensation kinematics improve contour machining for the Wing of Tomorrow, through milling, deburring, sealing, and drilling.

Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Project gets Help from Hexapod Alignment Systems

The LISA Project, led by ESA and supported by NASA and other space agencies, is a scientific endeavor to detect and study gravitational waves from space.

Why Fast Steering Mirrors are used in Laser Communication / Free Space Optical Communication

High Precision Tip/Tilt Mechanisms Keep Laser Beams Stabilized and Precisely on Target

Reliable Piezo Motion Devices for Industrial and Space Applications

Multilayer Ceramic Actuator Technology Tested to 100 Billion Life Cycles

Icarus Wasn’t Even Close – Fast Steering Mirror Orbits the Sun

How PI’s Piezo Steering Mirror Technology is Helping ESA and NASA Unlock the Sun's Secret

Image Stabilization in Space with Fast Tip/Tilt Steering Mirrors

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Small Motion Steps Yield Big Effects in the Quest for Life on Mars

Precision Focus Stages and Piezoelectric Transducers employed on Mars Rovers

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