Category: Piezo Mechanics

Advances in Aircraft Construction: Hexapod Provides High Dynamics 6D Error Compensation to Traditional Robot

Compensation kinematics improve contour machining for the Wing of Tomorrow, through milling, deburring, sealing, and drilling.

High-Speed Actuators for Micro- and Nano-Dispensing

Piezo Ceramics and Custom Actuator Designs

Improving Laser Drilling Performance with a Novel Motion Control Method

Whitepaper: Piezo-Based Mechanisms in Micro-Hole Drilling Systems

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Why Fast Steering Mirrors are used in Laser Communication / Free Space Optical Communication

High Precision Tip/Tilt Mechanisms Keep Laser Beams Stabilized and Precisely on Target

Study – Interaction and Function of Nonmagnetic Ceramic Motors and Rotation Stages in Strong Magnetic Fields

Materials, Design, Test Data of PILine® Piezo Motor-Driven Positioning Stages in Magnetic Fields

Beam Pen Lithography (BPL) - Desktop Nanoprinting Enabled by Compact 3D Nanopositioning Stage

Desktop nanoprinter based on a novel, highly scalable, and versatile photolithographic technology and XYZ piezo-driven nano-precision stage finds applications in photonics, meta-materials, electronics, soft robotics, and biomedicine.

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